The Integrated Floodplain Management System

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Transforming how floodplains are managed across the State of Washington is systems change work that occurs through:
  • the individual and collective efforts of many;
  • the Department of Ecology and the FbD grant program;
  • groups hosted by FbD including the Steering Group, Funding and Policy Action Group, Culture and Capacity Action Group; Operations Team and Research and Monitoring Core Team
  • numerous local, state, and federal agencies, tribal nations, special service districts and nonprofits.
  • many other adjacent and complementary groups, organizations and structures that support flood risk reduction, salmon recovery, forestry and agriculture.

The Integrated Floodplain Management system seeks to nurture, support, elevate and amplify those seeking to improve the management of floodplains for the benefit of people and the ecosystem.

Important Grant Information
FBD Spotlight
Brad Rader
Nooksack River

“This proposal has much for agriculture to cheer. It specifically carves out a place for farmers to be involved in designing and implementing flood management projects and supports their time and efforts to do so. We believe that restoring habitat and managing flood risks on our land are fully compatible goals.”

The FbD Network

Individuals who participate in FbD-convened groups, events and activities are referred to as “the network”, including a wide range of:

  • Representatives and staff from Tribal nations; local, State and Federal agencies or non-governmental organizations; and consulting firms;
  • Watersheds and jurisdictions, from those with large and complex collaborations and project pipelines, to locations with isolated or even solo practitioners;
  • Communities, from those dominated by agricultural production to extremely urban environments, and communities who have been underserved and overburdened by past and current systems; 
  • Flood dynamics, from areas with significant flood risk to areas with less flood risk;
  • Interests, from applied to research and academia; and 
  • Local Elected officials at special service districts, county commissions, mayors, flood control zone districts or board positions on Conservation Districts.   

The individuals, organizations, agencies, tribes, places and communities bring a broad range of: 

Experience: This includes people who draw on generations of knowledge, bring decades of professional expertise or are new to the field or bringing integrated floodplain management (IFM) or integrated projects to their watershed for the first time. 

Expertise: Members represent many interests and skills, from community organizers, to fishers and farmers, to engineers, to  industry professionals, to recreational advocates,  bureaucrats, elected officials, and non-profit expertise. They also bring Tribal governance, local, state and federal agency regulatory, planning or grant management.

Aspirations and opinions: FbD is a network where participants may not agree on everything. This is acknowledged and valued. 

Passion for collaborative change fueled by diversity and rooted in a vision for a safer, more equitable, inclusive, and healthier future.

FbD Supporting Structures

Any complex systems change work needs nodes of experienced and consistent staff support and flourishes with funds that can incentivize and make aspirations and hopes real. FbD’s success is in part realized because of its long-term commitment to this.  Supporting structures include:

  • Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF): BEF has committed significant staff resources on a long-term basis to support and be responsive to the needs of the FbD network.  
  • Ecology: Department of Ecology is the lead for the state on Floodplain management and has committed to financially incentivize integrated floodplain management in the State of Washington through its FbD and FCAAP grant programs
  • Ops Team: A group of Department of Ecology, NGO, and other agency partners come together on a monthly basis to advance work and check in on progress. 

Research and Monitoring Core Team: Meets quarterly to advance specific projects to increase understanding of progress towards outcomes and goals.

FbD Organizing Structures

Any complex, systems change work needs people working in focused nodes to engage to learn, share, adapt, and shape. FbD’s success is in part realized by a long-term commitment to creating space for the various needs of the FbD network to be met. Example spaces include Lunch and Learns, webinar trainings, workshops, field trips, sign on letters, advocacy for policies or programs, and other forums as feasible. FbD has three main groups that provide input on where and how to focus:  

Steering Group

Funding and Policy Action Group

Culture and Capacity Action Group