FbD Backbone Team

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Supporting Integrated Floodplain Management

The FbD Backbone Team is led by the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, in partnership with American Rivers, The Nature Conservancy, and dedicated contractor experts. The backbone team supports tribal, local, regional, and federal partners in advancing integrated floodplain management through the FbD grant program and complementary funding sources.

The backbone team works together to communicate the many stories of successful integrated floodplain management in WA, and to support new and ongoing investments, policy improvements, capacity building efforts, learning and collaboration. Action groups (Culture and Capacity Action Group and Funding and Policy Action Group) provide forums to connect, vet priorities, hear concerns and needs, share information and learn together.

The Backbone Team works with Ecology through the Operations Team, Action Groups and in other informal and ad hoc ways. The Steering Group supports the overall vision and direction, and the Science and Monitoring Team leads efforts to track whether the partnership and structures are making progress. The DEIJ Team works to improve alignment and accountability to DEIJ principles and practices.

NGO Backbone Purpose & Focus
  1. Championing the vision of integrated floodplain management
  2. Supporting communications, collaboration, and learning across the network of floodplain practitioners
  3. Evaluating outcomes to enable continual learning and improvements
  4. Supporting changes in policies to support a transition to integrated, watershed-scale river management
  5. Increasing funding for planning and project implementation
FBD Spotlight
Jon Miller
Cedar River

“We really like where we’re living now. It used to be we would get pretty anxious when they’d say a Pineapple Express was coming, but we don’t worry at all where we’re living now.”

Our Team