Communities in Action

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Working together to restore rivers and reduce flood risk

Since 2013, the Washington State Legislature has appropriated $216 million to support large-scale, multiple-benefit projects across the state through the Floodplains by Design grant program. With projects funded in 18 counties across the state, this work includes dozens of local, state, federal, tribal, and non-profit partners. 

FbD incentivizes a vision of integrated floodplain management, helping different interest groups find common values to collaborate on to reduce flood risk, restore salmon habitat, and improve farmland viability. The FbD grant program helps incentivize integrated floodplain management by helping fund multi-purpose conversations amongst diverse interest groups and multi-benefit and collaborative projects that are initiated and sustained by the communities being impacted. Learn more about these Communities in Action below.

Upcoming Events
FBD Spotlight
Brad Rader
Nooksack River

“This proposal has much for agriculture to cheer. It specifically carves out a place for farmers to be involved in designing and implementing flood management projects and supports their time and efforts to do so. We believe that restoring habitat and managing flood risks on our land are fully compatible goals.”

FbD Impact & Interactive Map

The State of Washington has been investing in projects using the Floodplains by Design approach since 2013. The interactive map and infographics on this page highlight the impacts FbD is having across the state.

Library of Stories & Videos

Learn about some of the many projects around Washington that are protecting and restoring floodplains to maximize benefits to communities and nature. ​